Th10 base: funny base

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Another TH10 base

TH10 base!

If you play Clash of Clans, you're probably familiar with Th10. Building a Th10 base is far from easy! It takes a lot of time and perseverance. You have to try out a lot of combinations for your base. You can have Th10 bases that hold up well against land-based Th10 composites, but not airborne ones! That's why you should always try to balance your village against all types of attack. Here are a few Th10 bases that you can copy directly from the link on the Clash of Clans server.

Th10 base
Base link
Th10 base funny
Base link
Th10 base funny
Base link
Th10 base funny
Base link

having a good tH10 base is not enough

Having a good base is good, but don't forget that if you don't max out your defenses, even if you have the best hdv10 base, you're going to get either 3 stars! Or a high percentage.

Max defenses play a very important role in protecting the base. If you're not yet max and want to upgrade your Th10 base to Th11, I recommend you think for a moment about what you really want to do on the game.

If you want to wait a little longer on your Base Th10 and make good clan wars, clan leagues, make nice rushes, have a profile that makes all the clans dream or rush and have a premature base?

And you'll get 3 stars even with the best hdv10 base.


Th10 base funny
Base link
Th10 base funny
Base link
Th10 base funny
Base link
Th10 base funny
Base link

Maximize your base TH10 (TH10 BASE)

But before you think about clan wars and clan leagues! You need to think about protecting the resources of your th 10 base! Because that's what will enable you to improve.
You need to lose as few resources as possible (gold and black or pink elixir), which is the aim of Th10 base farms.
We offer other Th10 bases to help you improve your defense. If you've already made the mistake of upgrading your Th9 base without maxing it out in Th10, don't panic.
The Clash of Clans team has thought of you and provided potions to improve heroes and troops, so that's already a good advantage.
You can still take part in Clan Wars, and you can also farm without any problems.

Th10 base funny
Base link
Th10 base funny
Base link

Avoid the rush if you're premature! Stuff your defenses in small leagues (preferably gold and crystal leagues).
Th10 bases won't do much if you're not max, but don't be discouraged, you can always try hdv10 farm bases. Go for Th10 and don't upgrade your Town hall until you're maxed out!

Town Hall TH10
Base link
Town Hall TH10
Base link

Th10 base types

Let's start by talking about base farms. What's a base farm?
It's a kind of base that's specially built to protect resources, i.e. reserves and so on.
The resources are behind the walls, preventing opponents who farm as goblins or barbarians/archer from gaining easy access to your resources. There's also the type of village farm that's mainly designed to protect the black elexir, because we know that it's one of the resources that players find hard to get their hands on! And on this type of Th10 base, the black tank is often well-centered. Then there are the hdv10 anti 2-star bases, which are the kind of villages where the town hall is well-centered.
This kind of base often keeps the troops moving!
This means that the troops go all the way to the village without being able to destroy the town hall.
It often fails by making a single star.

TH10 bases without links

Other clash of clans bases

  1. HDV 10 
  2. Town Hall TH8
  3. Th11 base 
  4. Townhall 12

To avoid any problems! Keep your Clash of Clans game open in the background to copy the hdv10 base easily and avoid bugs.